For Baby:
Diaper Rash Cream – You and baby will both regret forgetting this at home. No one likes a sore tushy.
Baby Wipes – Ever change a diaper without one of these? . . . it isn’t pretty.
Scented Trash Bag – For when there is no appropriate place to toss that stinky diaper, and you have no choice but to take it along.
Kids Hand Sanitizer – Go ahead, let them play in the dirt, pick their friends nose, and suck on their thumb; just make sure to sanitize!
Boogy Wipes – Remember that kid on the playground who had a huge slimy booger resting on his top lip? (Why didn’t his mom wipe that off for him?) Don’t let your baby be the booger buddy.
Bib – When feeding baby with the “airplane technique” (we all know it), a bib can come in handy, just in case it’s a bumpy ride.
Spot Remover – The time will come when you’ll show up to a special occasion to find a fresh spit-up stain right on baby’s clean, pressed shirt (or yours). Worry no more with this on-the-go stain remover!
Sunscreen – Once upon a time, tan skin was all that mattered. Now you are paying for those sunscreen-less hours in the sun, with wrinkles, and sunspots, and chemical peels, oh my! Here’s your second chance: live vicariously through your baby, protecting their flawless skin from those risky rays that have done you wrong!
Antibiotic Ointment – We all know that kissing it makes it better, but a little antibiotic ointment might help too.
Bandage – Bandage that boo boo to keep the cries in and the germs out!
For Mama:
Lip Balm – You probably can’t resist kissing those soft cheeks. Whether they are on baby’s face or tush, make sure your lips don’t scratch that baby smooth skin.
Hair Tie – To keep your locks out of baby’s food, face, and dirty diaper.
For those out and about moments, when you run out of diaper rash cream, forget to pack baby wipes, or don’t want to carry around that massive diaper bag. Keep The Baby Mama Saver in your purse or car to save you and your baby from those desperate situations you hope to never encounter, but inevitably will.
*fun description of contents printed on back of packaging.
Comes in three different colors:
- Pink
- Yellow
- Blue
A little about Mini Saver taken from their website:
Everything you forgot to bring.
Mini Savers’ mission is to provide you with all the things you need but never seem to have with you. We’ve all had chapped lips and no lip balm, a headache and no pain-reliever, garlic breath and no mints, or killer 4-inch heels and too much pride to walk home barefoot. These common daily tribulations inspired Mini Savers to prepare the unprepared.
Mini Savers are tiny kits full of all the necessities you may need at any moment. They are cute and compact enough to take on the go and can save you from many unfortunate situations, which is why we like to call them “savers.” Mini Saver’s goal is to create countless savers for all occasions. Currently, our Mini Savers line holds two savers: The Shame Saver, perfect for a girl’s night out, and our most recent addition to the line: The Baby Mama Saver.
Along with being extremely useful, Mini Savers’ witty and lighthearted descriptions make them the perfect gift that is both fun and personal.
Here are the two others Mini Savers you can get:
Have you ever walked home barefoot because you couldn’t bear to walk a second more in your 3 inch heels? We’ve all had those nights where we go out strutting like Giselle, hot off the runway, and come home looking like we were just run over by a bulldozer. Well news flash, the bulldozer-look is out! Stop looking like a hot mess with the Shame Saver. No matter what disaster your night may bring, the Shame Saver has everything you need but never seem to have with you, and it fits inside your clutch! $24.95
*fun description of contents printed on back of packaging
*fun description of contents printed on back of packaging
* Comes in 2 sizes
The Festival Saver contains one of everything
The Festival Saver Ultimate contains quantities listed below
Don't pass up the mother's day special going on right now. Get the Baby Mama Saver for only $13.97 - 30% off - Mothers Days Special (available until 5/13/12)
Disclaimer: No compensation was received for this post. I was provided a sample of each product for my review purposes only. All opinions are 100% my own.
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